One of the most common questions I get from customers, friends, family—basically anyone who ever tries our carrots—is WHY do these carrots taste so good?
The truth is our carrots just taste better, and even more so in the winter.
It is counter-intuitive, but the starches present at harvest convert into sugars over the course of the storage season.
And by March, we say “Wow! These carrots taste amazing!”
Do the greens at the grocery store this time of year NOT inspire you?
I mean between not knowing who's hands have touched them and knowing that they just don't taste fresh... it's hard to really get excited about greens from 2000 miles away.
I get you!
You and I both know that veggies fresh from a real garden, any garden, yours or mine, taste so much better than what you find at the grocery store.
“I thought it was going to be hard and complicated to make!”
Said a participant of my recent class on fermenting vegetables.
And I totally understand how she felt!
Have you ever said that about new things in general?
I know that I certainly have! Sometimes just the thought of doing a new thing can completely overwhelm me. I become convinced that it must be hard and complicated to do, even if it turns out to be really easy to do!
Your summer gardens are bursting with fresh veggies, especially cucumbers. Or maybe you’re in our CSA and experiencing our farm’s best cucumber year ever…
And that’s no bad thing because in America, a cool, crisp cucumber is just about the definition of summer, right?