
Welcome to Mary Margaret's Blog

How To Make A Winter Salad That You'll Actually Love

Do the greens at the grocery store this time of year NOT inspire you?

I mean between not knowing who's hands have touched them and knowing that they just don't taste fresh... it's hard to really get excited about greens from 2000 miles away.

I get you!  

You and I both know that veggies fresh from a real garden, any garden, yours or mine, taste so much better than what you find at the grocery store.  

Especially this time of year.

What To Do With The Big Lump Of KOHL In Your Stocking

At Christmas, and anytime of year, I just love the surprise of opening presents. Because, really, who doesn’t?!

When it is finally your turn, you just can’t wait to tear open that box and see what is inside…

The thrill of the suspense is hard to resist, that’s for sure!

With the holidays around the corner, the joy of gifts is upon us!

You must have heard of getting a lump of coal in your stocking…

How To Make Miso Soup With Most Any Veggies

Ever get overloaded with veggies in your fridge?  But not looking to do a whole lotta cooking

Maybe you’re a CSA member who has gotten a little behind or have a large garden or just over bought at the grocery store.

This happens to me often! And I just love the feeling of cleaning out the fridge. It’s kinda like the feeling of checking off your entire to-do list!

Fermenting Veggies Is Not As Hard As You Think

“I thought it was going to be hard and complicated to make!”

Said a participant of my recent class on fermenting vegetables.

And I totally understand how she felt!

Have you ever said that about new things in general?

I know that I certainly have! Sometimes just the thought of doing a new thing can completely overwhelm me.  I become convinced that it must be hard and complicated to do, even if it turns out to be really easy to do!

The Best Way To Increase Your Vegetable Intake By 50%

Drum roll…..

By eating vegetables for breakfast!


"You've got to be kidding me!"

Okay, okay, I understand that the idea may be weird to you. Well, it was weird to me, too, about 13 years ago.

But here we are today, and we eat vegetables for breakfast all the time and love it! In fact, when we don’t, I seriously miss it!

Veg for breakfast? How on earth did you think of that??? Were you raised that way?

How To Roast It, Why You'll Love It, And Recipes To Do It

Are you looking for creative ways to eat more veggies?

Maybe you’ve roasted veggies before? Yeah, yeah of course you have. Boring topic.

Now, that’s where you’re wrong, young lady.

Oh wait, that’s what my mom used to say to me when I was a kid.

But seriously roasting veggies is like magic for so many reasons! And every year when fall rolls around I rediscover my love for roasted veggies.

What To Do With All These Tomatoes?!

If you’re like us, you’ve been babying those precious tomato plants in the garden for months now. Since Memorial Day to be exact! Seems like forever to wait for a ripe tomato!

Then, all of a sudden, your tomatoes start to ripen. And by September, you’re swimming in tomatoes!

That’s how we feel on the farm, too! Farmer Gene and the crew harvested well over 1000 pounds this week alone.


The Best Way To Use Up Extra Cucumbers Is Not What You Think

Your summer gardens are bursting with fresh veggies, especially cucumbers. Or maybe you’re in our CSA and experiencing our farm’s best cucumber year ever…

And that’s no bad thing because in America, a cool, crisp cucumber is just about the definition of summer, right?

But, what to do with so many cucumbers?!



Quick Pickling is The Easy Way To Make Pickles

I’m a farmer with a huge abundance of fresh veggies at my disposal. And one thing you might be surprised to learn about me is: I don’t can.

What do you mean? Don’t all farmers spend their summer months over a hot water bath processing dozens of jars of veggies?

Maybe many do, and I have in the past. Believe me I know what it’s like. It’s hot. It takes a big chunk of time. And over the years, I’ve found that I don’t like to do it.

Why You Need to Make More Dips For Veggies

Have you ever agreed to something and then realized that it involved more than you bargained for? 

Well this weekend I hosted a completely new to me food class at the farm! In fact I don’t consider myself an expert at all in the topic.

Picture me Sunday morning, scrambling around in my kitchen’s sad state of wreckage, trying to pull together 7 different dips in 2 hours for the class later that afternoon. Yes, even re-washing the oily food processor multiple times!
