About the Ripley Farmers
Hi, we're Gene and Mary Margaret Ripley, owners at Ripley Farm.
Do you want to eat more vegetables, but find it hard to get excited about the ‘blah’ tasting ones from the grocery store? Ideally would you like to grow all of your own? That way you’d know what’s on them and that they were really fresh. And taste delicious.
But realistically you don’t have the space or time to do it. The grocery store’s dried out carrots and wilted lettuce just don’t inspire you. And it's hard to trust the produce that comes from California or beyond.
I understand. When I used to shop at the grocery store, I always felt like I was settling. I had to put aside my questions about the food I bought. And I just did it, because I felt like there was no other choice.
Our farm fresh organic CSA vegetable subscriptions offer you a choice.
A choice to be in love with your vegetables in every way.
You'll love the way they taste, the crunch of a sweet carrot. You'll look forward to your time in the kitchen. You’ll feel inspired to make a new recipe. To try new things. You'll eat vegetables more often just because they’re so delicious and abundant. Your family will get excited for seconds.
No guilt about not “doing it all” from your garden. Sign up for our CSA for vegetables you can trust to taste delicious. Feel good about your choice of garden fresh from our family farm.
About Our Family Farm
We have dedicated the last 15 years to growing, cooking, and eating local, seasonal, and organic veggies and other foods. For the past decade we have been sharing what we’ve learned with our farm’s community through our organic vegetables and ‘eat more veggies’ recipes, classes, newsletters, blog posts and more.
We’ve built long-standing relationships with hundreds of families and developed a great knowledge base of how to help people change their diets.
- We have helped hundreds of customers go way beyond cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes to embracing the unusual veggies like kohlrabi, salad turnips, and purslane. We know how to help customers master eating what Maine’s growing seasons have to offer without wasting anything.
- We know how to help customers incorporate veggies into their busy lives because we ourselves balance family life and 100% home-cooked meals with the demands of year-round farm life, business management, and employees.
After more than 10 years and 20,000 boxes of CSA farm share vegetables distributed, we are proud to continue to serve our community.
We are most proud when we hear stories from CSA members who say...
...their 3 year old son’s self-professed favorite veggie is “salad turnips” (what?? :)
...that “I’ve never been a radish person” but have fallen in love with the purple daikon radish
...that when they walk in the door, their 3 year old daughter is right there clambering for a fresh carrot from this week’s box
...they have a “serious addiction to… Ripley carrots!”
We can’t wait to see what you fall in love with!
~Gene and Mary Margaret Ripley
We're so glad you're here!
Want to know more?
Here are some great ways to get to know who your farmers are, why we choose to farm, and how to be a part of our farm family.

Get to know us and learn fun new ways to 'eat more veggies' at our occasional classes.