
Welcome to Mary Margaret's Blog

How To Make Stir-fries More Interesting

Picture this:

You have a fridge full of veggies, and you are busy and…

Them: Hey what’s for dinner?

You: Mmm, I think it’s going to be stir-fry again tonight…

Them: Oh, boring!


That again!

Does this ever sound like your house??

Or maybe your husband says he “won’t eat plain stir-fry,” leaving you searching for a more creative way to use up the veggies in your fridge…

How I Preserve The Garden Fresh Taste I Miss The Most

Kids love rituals, right?

Well, my daughter used to have one every night that when she was ready to go get her father to read a book before bed, she'd run down the hall yelling “WHAT’S THE LOW TONIGHT, DAD?”

And even more humorously she invariably answered her own question with something not-so-seasonal-anymore like “probably sixty-six”.

We've had a few nights already where Gene answered her question with “29”. 

How to Eat More Salad, With Recipes

"What do I do with all of this lettuce?” 

One thing I can say for sure about most new CSA members, is that you report having to work to eat all of the veggies that come every week in the farm share. That it gets you eating more veggies than you have in your life.

And especially the lettuce can be a lot for some people, at first. This is even true of some seasoned CSA members…

How to Store Your Veggies to Make Them Last

“Hey, this kale is all limp!”

"These carrots are all rubbery!"

Have you ever said that? If you have, this post is for you!

If you haven’t, then either you already know some of this (yay!) or you haven’t had fresh greens or other veggies in your fridge very often.

Wilty greens or limp carrots aren't just unappetizing, they're also not as nutritious either.  And they plain just don't last as long or taste as good.

How to Make a Vegetable Frittata With Whatever You Have

Frittata? Does the fancy sounding word intimidate you?

One of my 3-year-old daughter’s favorite books is 'Fancy Nancy'. Anyone else know the one?? And with this post I feel rather like her…

“Frittata is a fancy way of saying an easy egg dish that you can put lots of veggies into and make fast!”

I think that the word 'frittata' probably did intimidate me growing up. I thought of frittata or quiche as something only the cutesy French brunch place could do right…

How To Eat The Most Veggies: Grow A Garden AND Do CSA!

If you are like me, you like to garden.

For you, gardening is relaxing and rewarding. You get to take your shoes off and feel the cool soil and grass. It gets you outside the house hands in the dirt growing food.

A garden is a great place to unwind when you get home from work or on the weekends on your free time. It is also a great place for kids (and adults!) to learn about food.

Many of our CSA members come to the CSA because they love garden fresh so much but don’t quite seem to have enough time or space to grow it all themselves.

Why We Didn't Quit Farming and Are Sure Spring Will Come

Here we are in April waiting for the snow to melt. Waiting for winter to be a distant memory. We got an unusually early first snow, way back on November 10 that just stuck and didn’t ever melt.

Six months later we just got another 8” of fresh white stuff on top of the not all the way melted winter snow pack.

My daughter says, “the trees have snow on their teeth” aka snow is covering all the trees, the spring bird songs are muted, and the mud is no longer on our boots.

From ‘You’re crazy’ to ‘This changed my whole life'

So you’ve decided that you want to change your diet.

Or you aim to influence your husband’s diet.

Or get your kids eating better.

10 Delicious Ways To Enjoy The Best Tasting Carrots

One of the most common questions I get from customers, friends, family—basically anyone who ever tries our carrots—is WHY do these carrots taste so good?

The truth is our carrots just taste better, and even more so in the winter.

It is counter-intuitive, but the starches present at harvest convert into sugars over the course of the storage season.

And by March, we say “Wow! These carrots taste amazing!”

How To Make A Creamy Veggie Soup That Will Get Compliments Every Time

Windy, windy, windy it's been. 

Does it seem like this winter has been more windy than usual?  Or maybe I always think that in February!

Does the cold wind get you in the mood for soup? It sure does for me!

One thing that I do well at my house is make creamy vegetable soups.

I love them. Gene loves them. My little one loves them.

And guests love them.

In fact, my creamy soups are the number one thing I serve that always get compliments.
