
Welcome to Mary Margaret's Blog

How to Take the Bite Out of Radishes and Love Them

“Radishes are too spicy for me!”

I hear this all the time from friends, family, and CSA members.

Is that you, too?

Well, I have got a secret to tell you.

You can still love radishes because of this trick I’m about to share with you.

And while I don’t mind their “bite”, once I tried them this way, I eat way more radishes and enjoy them more!

Give it a try…


How To Use More Fresh Herbs In Your Kitchen

Fresh herbs, ahhhh!

They are just are so luxurious with their beautiful scent, fresh appearance, and unbeatable taste!

Do you ever just put your nose into them to get the full herby experience?? I totally do!

Basil, dill, parsley, cilantro, sage, thyme…. Mmmmm!

The list that can be grown in Maine is long and wonderful! (We even have lemongrass in our CSA member PYO gardens this year!)

How To Freeze Greens To Save for Later Use

Are your eyes bigger than your stomach?

Is your garden going to be bursting with fresh green-ness SOON?

Are you anticipating that your fridge could be full of greens from your CSA share that you just can't quite keep up with?

No matter what, summertime brings a welcome bounty of green food, after a sparse spring and white winter.

But once the garden comes in, you may find yourself overloaded and not sure how to eat them all before they go bad. 


How To Make Your Own Salad Dressing

I was recently talking to a friend of mine who is really into veggies. He said, a little regretfully,

“The one thing I don’t do is make my own salad dressings.”

My conversation with my friend gave me the idea to write this blog post! 

Maybe you also wish you made your own salad dressings but don't know where to start?

I can help!

How To Boost Your Immune System With Fresh Veggies

Everyone knows that veggies are vital for a healthy diet in the best of times, right?

Right now supporting your immune system has gotta be especially important with all that’s going on!

And you may have some unexpected time on your hands and might be getting a little stir-crazy looking for things to do!

How about cooking up some immune-boosting veggie recipes while you’re staying at home?

That’s my idea of a productive time!

What Is CSA And How It Can Help You, Especially Now

Are you feeling the same way I am?

Has your whole world been turned upside down in the matter of a few weeks??

Is the thought of going to the grocery store for your vegetables terrible to you at this point?

But let's face it.  You've got to eat.  Farm fresh food is essential.

Your number one goal right now is to maintain your health and minimize your exposure, right?

How To Save Time In the Kichen and Eat More Veggies

I totally get it. It takes a lot of time to prepare your family meals full of all natural ingredients, especially lots of fresh vegetables like you want to!

So much chopping, slicing, dicing, right? Who has time for all of that??

You’re busy. You’ve got kids or grandkids… You’ve got work… Doctor's appointments... Or just LIFE to keep you busy and you can’t spend all day in the kitchen.

I’m the same way!

Pancakes Made Out Of Vegetables Are Fun For All

You want to eat more veggies, right? Don’t we all?!

Snap your fingers, and there it’s done, right???

Wait, it's not that simple for most of us!

Having a little inspiration makes it easier and more fun!

Today I want to share with you one of the BEST ways that I’ve found to keep veggies interesting to ALL ages and palettes:

Making veggie pancakes!!!


How to Make Your Own Vegetable Broth Using Scraps

“Mmmm! What is in this soup?”

Soup is one of the things I serve that I get the most complements on.

Why? It’s kind of like building a house. It needs to start with a solid foundation or else it won’t be very successful.

Soup is the same way. And broth is that foundation.

Broth is a magical ingredient in soup that you can’t see, but makes it taste so much better.

How To Make A Harvest Bowl And Eat It All Week

Are your eyes ever bigger than your stomach? (It's okay, mine so totally are!  Hehe!)

Do you ever have a big pile of veggies in your fridge that want to eat up before they go bad?

Do you have a CSA share and are determined to use it all up?

Or just want to get in a routine of eating more veggies in general?

Have I got an idea for you!
