
Kale Skeptic's Salad


This is the salad that we serve people who are skeptical about kale.  It will do the trick as it has on several of our family members!

  • 1 bunch kale, midribs removed, leaves torn into pieces
  • 4 Tbls olive oil
  • 1 Tbls cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbls soy sauce
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil
  • 1-2 tsp minced fresh hot pepper (or substitute chili flakes or cayenne powder for heat), or to taste

Steam kale until tender. Mix all other ingredients together and pour over drained kale. Serve hot.

Kale Nachos


It is amazing how quick, easy, and tasty this member-contributed recipe is!  I know I'm sold on the Big K with this one!

1 bunch kale
grated cheese (1 cup or more to suit your liking)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Grease a baking sheet.  Wash and remove tough inner mid-rib on the kale leaves.  Slice kale leaves very thinly and lay evenly on baking sheet.  Sprinkle over grated cheese and bake for 15 minutes or until melted and kale is tender. 

Beet and Kale Salad


¼ cup chopped nuts of choice
2-3 oz cheese, cut into ½” cubes or grated
1 bunch kale, midribs removed, thinly sliced
1 bunch beet roots, boiled or roasted & chopped
¼ red onion, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1-2 tsp vinegar (balsamic or cider)
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp honey
Salt and pepper to taste

Whisk together lemon juice, vinegar, oil, honey, salt and pepper. ‘Massage’ kale leaves with dressing. Let sit 10 minutes. Mix in remaining ingredients and serve.

*Optional: add steamed beet greens to the salad.

Portuguese Kale Soup


1-3 tablespoons oil
1 onion, chopped
2-4 cloves garlic, chopped (optional)
1-2 lbs. chorizo sausage, either loose, or links chopped into bite sized pieces
1 bunch kale, tough midribs removed on larger leaves and chopped
3-4 cups broth (chicken, veggie, or other)
salt and pepper to taste

Optional other ingredients:
1-2 cups cooked dry beans, like pinto or white beans
1-2 cups diced potatoes (add in when you add broth)

Irish Colcannon


1.5 pounds potatoes, peeled and chopped
1 bunch kale, midribs removed
1 bunch leeks, cleaned and sliced (or subtitute onions)
½-1 cup cream
Salt and pepper

Boil potatoes until tender.  Steam kale until very tender.  Drain well. Cook leeks in cream until tender, about 5-10 minutes.  Mash potatoes with leeks, cream, and then beat in kale until pale green and fluffy.  Add butter, salt and pepper to taste.  Serve piping hot!

Cream of Broccoli-Kale Soup


4 tablespoons butter
1-2 scallions or 1/2 onion chopped
1 small head broccoli, chopped
1/2 bunch kale, midribs removed and leaves chopped
2-4 cups of chicken broth
sour cream
salt and pepper

In sauce pan, heat butter on medium.  Saute onion/scallion stirring until translucent, about 5-7 minutes.  Add broccoli, kale and chicken broth.  Bring to boil, turn down and simmer 20-30 minutes or until kale is tender.  Puree, season with salt and pepper.  Ladle into bowls and add a dollop of sour cream to each bowl.  Serve.

Steamed Kale with Butter


Steamed Kale with Butter

1 bunch of kale
salt and pepper

We like kale best steamed as a side dish.  Cut out the tough midribs, then steam the leaves until tender.  Season to taste with butter, salt and pepper.  Makes 4 side dish servings. 


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