Sara's Roasted Tomato and Couscous Soup

1/2 cup couscous
4 large tomatoes (roasted and peeled)
1 onion, minced
3 fresh garlic cloves (chopped)
4-5 fresh basil leaves (or more of you prefer)
2 1/2 cups chicken stock
heavy cream (or whole milk)
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper to taste

Roast tomatoes, cut in half, in 400* oven for 45 min. Cool, peel, and roughly chop. Meanwhile, heat butter and olive oil in a large pot and sauté onion and garlic until softening. Add tomatoes and stock and simmer several minutes, stirring. Add couscous and simmer until cooked. Add chopped basil, cream, and salt and pepper to taste.