
Kale Recipes


Availability: July-December

Storage tips: Refrigerate in a plastic bag. Make sure to keep the leaves covered to prevent wilting.  Kale will last at least a week stored this way.

How to eat: BUNCHED KALE = Kale is best used as a cooking green. Remove the midribs and steam in one inch of water until tender (about 10 minutes) and topped with butter is the most basic preparation. Kale is also excellent in stir-fries, soups, frittata or other egg dishes, and stews.  Or roast it to make kale chips!  Or use it raw in "masaged kale salad."  BABY KALE = Baby Kale is super tender and doesn't need to have the midribs removed.  Can be chopped raw into salads or steamed as is.  Delish!

How to preserve:  Best way to preserve kale is to blanch and freeze it.  Wash, strip kale from tough stems, and tear leaves up into smaller sizes.  Submerge in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, remove, cool in ice cold water.  Squeeze water out of kale and pack into ziplock bags.  Freeze for 3-6 months.

I put this under kale, but you can use any kind of greens you want in it. When we made it last we used it as a "clean out the fridge" recipe adding chopped radish greens, kale, spinach and chard. Really good as an appetizer or interesting veggie side!

  • 10 cups loosely packed, finely sliced greens
  • 3-4 tablespoons oil
  • 1 small onion, minced
  • 2-3 garlic scapes, minced
  • ½ cup cilantro (or other fresh herb), chopped
  • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1/3 cup feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1-2 eggs

Sauté onion in oil until soft. Add scapes, cilantro, and cumin for 1 min. Add greens to wilt. Remove from heat. Cool 10 min. Add rest of ingredients & salt to taste. Form balls, place on baking sheet, and bake at 375 for 15-20 min.

¼ cup chopped nuts of choice
2-3 oz cheese, cut into ½” cubes or grated
1 bunch kale, midribs removed, thinly sliced
1 bunch beet roots, boiled or roasted & chopped
¼ red onion, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1-2 tsp vinegar (balsamic or cider)
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp honey
Salt and pepper to taste

Whisk together lemon juice, vinegar, oil, honey, salt and pepper. ‘Massage’ kale leaves with dressing. Let sit 10 minutes. Mix in remaining ingredients and serve.

*Optional: add steamed beet greens to the salad.

  • 3-4 TBLS butter
  • 1-2 cups leeks, cleaned and sliced
  • 2-4 cups kale, chopped
  • 3 cups potatoes, cut in ¾” dice
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp salt, or to taste
  • ¼ cup heavy cream

Heat butter in heavy bottomed pot over med heat. Add leeks and kale and sauté until wilted and soft, about 10 min. Add potatoes, chicken stock, bay leaf, and salt. Bring to boil and simmer until potatoes are soft, about 20 min. Remove from heat, stir in cream, and serve hot. Blend for a pureed version. 

4 tablespoons butter
1-2 scallions or 1/2 onion chopped
1 small head broccoli, chopped
1/2 bunch kale, midribs removed and leaves chopped
2-4 cups of chicken broth
sour cream
salt and pepper

In sauce pan, heat butter on medium.  Saute onion/scallion stirring until translucent, about 5-7 minutes.  Add broccoli, kale and chicken broth.  Bring to boil, turn down and simmer 20-30 minutes or until kale is tender.  Puree, season with salt and pepper.  Ladle into bowls and add a dollop of sour cream to each bowl.  Serve.

You can substitute other cooking greens for kale here and it will still be good!

  • 5 eggs
  • 3 TBLS flour
  • 1 cup crème fraiche or sour cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp dried thyme or other herb, to taste
  • 2-3 cups raw chopped kale

Whisk eggs in flour until blended. Whisk sour cream and milk in separate bowl. Whisk in egg mixture, salt, pepper, and herb. Put kale onto pie plate. Pour egg mixture over. Press down greens to submerge. Bake in 375 degree oven for 10 min. Reduce heat to 325 and bake until set, about 30+ min. Cool 20 min before serving to set custard.

I have kale and pac choi listed here as the greens for this recipe.  But, it will be wonderful with any type of greens that you have on hand: spinach, swiss chard, etc.  Use this recipe to branch out and get creative.

1 cup chicken broth or water
1/2 bunch radishes
½ bunch kale, ribs removed, leaves sliced thinly
1 head pac choi, washed and thinly sliced
3 tablespoons oil
2 eggs, beaten
2-4 garlic scapes, minced
2 cups cooked, cold rice
salt and pepper to taste
Lightly boil radishes and greens in broth separately, about 1-2 min each.  Drain.  Heat oil in large skillet (or wok) on medium-high.  Add eggs and scramble 1 min.  Remove.  Add radishes, greens, and garlic scapes and sauté 1-2 min, stirring.  Add rice and stir to mix and heat through.  Add eggs, salt, and pepper to taste.

1.5 pounds potatoes, peeled and chopped
1 bunch kale, midribs removed
1 bunch leeks, cleaned and sliced (or subtitute onions)
½-1 cup cream
Salt and pepper

Boil potatoes until tender.  Steam kale until very tender.  Drain well. Cook leeks in cream until tender, about 5-10 minutes.  Mash potatoes with leeks, cream, and then beat in kale until pale green and fluffy.  Add butter, salt and pepper to taste.  Serve piping hot!

  • 1/3 lb kale, chopped
  • ½ cup onion, diced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 TBLS cooking oil
  • 1 ½ cups feta cheese, crumbled
  • 12 eggs, beaten
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Pre-heat oven to 375. Grease a 9 x 13 casserole. Saute onion in oil until softening. Add kale and garlic and sauté 3-5 minutes until wilted. Stir all ingredients into eggs and pour into casserole. Bake for about 30 minutes until eggs are set and beginning to brown on top. Serve hot.

This is a very basic recipe in which you can subsitute other greens like spinach or mustards for the kale as well as onions for the leeks.  Try it for breakfast with your eggs and toast! 

Butter or cooking oil
Leeks (or onions), cleaned and finely sliced
Kale, tough midrib removed and chopped
Bacon, several slices, chopped

Cook bacon until crisp and reserve.  In large pot, sauté leeks in oil gently until tender, 5-10 minutes.  Add kale to leeks, put a lid and a little water and cook until wilted.  Add bacon and drippings, mix and season with salt and pepper to taste.

  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3 TBLS rice vinegar, or vinegar of choice
  • 1 TBLS toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tsp soy sauce
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, minced
  • 1-2 TBLS sesame seeds
  • 1 bag baby kale, chopped
  • 1 large pear, sliced into bite-size pieces

Whisk oils, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and sesame seeds together. Toss with kale and pear and serve. 

  • 2 TBLS oil or butter
  • ½ bunch kale, midribs removed + shredded
  • 2 cups tomatoes, chopped finely
  • 10 eggs, beaten
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Dash of milk
  • 1/3 cup parmesan cheese, grated
  • Fresh herb like basil, parsley, etc, optional

Heat oil in a skillet on medium. Add kale and sauté until wilted. Mix eggs, seasonings, cheese, milk together. Add tomatoes to skillet then pour over egg mixture. Cook on medium, covered, until beginning to set. Then put under broiler until done, 1-2 min.

It is amazing how quick, easy, and tasty this member-contributed recipe is!  I know I'm sold on the Big K with this one!

1 bunch kale
grated cheese (1 cup or more to suit your liking)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Grease a baking sheet.  Wash and remove tough inner mid-rib on the kale leaves.  Slice kale leaves very thinly and lay evenly on baking sheet.  Sprinkle over grated cheese and bake for 15 minutes or until melted and kale is tender. 

This recipe was shared with me by CSA member Beth.  I love it and recommend it!  The apricots are really good with kale!

  • 1 bunch of kale, tough mid-ribs removed and shredded
  • 6-8 dried apricots, chopped into little bits
  • 1/3 cup or so or cooked cannellini beans
  • 1/4 cup or so of sliced or chopped almonds
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese (dairy or soy)
  • 1 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tbs. red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 avocado cut in cubes
  • salt and pepper

Put kale, apricots, beans, almonds, and cheese in a bowl. Whisk together the oil and vinegar (or shake it in a small jar). Pour the vinaigrette and a healthy pinch of salt and twist of fresh black pepper over the salad. Toss well or use your fingers to toss and rub everything together.

Just before eating, slice the avocado into cubes and spoon them over the salad. This salad will keep for about 24 hours if refrigerated.  

This is the salad that we serve people who are skeptical about kale.  It will do the trick as it has on several of our family members!

  • 1 bunch kale, midribs removed, leaves torn into pieces
  • 4 Tbls olive oil
  • 1 Tbls cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbls soy sauce
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil
  • 1-2 tsp minced fresh hot pepper (or substitute chili flakes or cayenne powder for heat), or to taste

Steam kale until tender. Mix all other ingredients together and pour over drained kale. Serve hot.

1 bunch kale, tough midribs discarded, washed, and sliced into thin strips
1-3 tablespoons oil
¼ teaspoon red chili flakes (or more to taste)
1-3 garlic cloves, peeled
3-4 tablespoons raisins
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
salt to taste

Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.  Add garlic, chili flakes until sizzling.  Add raisins and stir.  Add kale and stir to mix.  Add broth and bring to boil.  Cover and simmer until kale is tender about 15-30 minutes.  Uncover and boil away remaining liquid.  Salt to taste.  Serve hot over mashed or boiled potatoes!

  • 2 cups coarsely chopped kale-ini
  • 2 TBLS cooking oil
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 TBLS chives, finely chopped
  • 4-6 eggs
  • 3-4 TBLS parmesan cheese, grated
  • Salt, to taste

Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add kale-ini and sauté until wilted. Add garlic and chives and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Crack eggs into skillet, sprinkle cheese over top, reduce heat to medium low, cover, and cook until yolks are set to desired firmness. Sprinkle with salt to taste and serve hot.

This is courtesy of CSA member Connie, who says "I make this for the two of us and simply eyeball measurements. Yummy!"
For the salad
  • 1 bunch kale, rib removed and chopped thinly
  • 1 cup pine nuts (no need to toast)
  • 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • 1 medium minced red onion (or 1 minced garlic scape)
  • salt and pepper, to taste

For the dressing

  • 1 lemon, juiced (more if needed)
  • ½ cup olive oil

Wash and dry the kale. Remove and discard the tough inner midrib stems and chop it into strips by rolling the leaves into a ball and making thin slices. Cut it all once again going in the other direction so you end up with a pile of nicely chopped greens.  In a small jar, combine the juice of one lemon and the olive oil. Put a lid on the jar and shake it vigorously.  Add the pine nuts, onion or garlic scape, and cheese to the greens and toss them to combine. Add the dressing to the greens, and again, toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper, as needed.

Here is the basic how-to on making a massaged kale salad.  You can add any number of other things to embellish this salad like grated carrots, chopped radishes, lettuce, raisins, nuts, sesame seeds, etc, etc.  We grow a type of kale that is particularly tender called Russian kale which is the BEST for eating raw.  Try it!

1 bunch kale, tough midribs removed and sliced thinly
salad dressing of your choice or this homemade one:
1/4 cup oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
salt and pepper to taste

Pour dressing over kale.  Massage with your hands 5-10 minutes.  Let sit to marinate for another few mintues.  Add additional ingredients if desired and serve. 

1-3 tablespoons oil
1 onion, chopped
2-4 cloves garlic, chopped (optional)
1-2 lbs. chorizo sausage, either loose, or links chopped into bite sized pieces
1 bunch kale, tough midribs removed on larger leaves and chopped
3-4 cups broth (chicken, veggie, or other)
salt and pepper to taste

Optional other ingredients:
1-2 cups cooked dry beans, like pinto or white beans
1-2 cups diced potatoes (add in when you add broth)

Heat oil in pot on medium.  Saute onions until translucent.  Add garlic and sausage and fry until cooked through.  Add kale and  broth.  Bring to boil, reduce heat, and simmer until kale is tender, about 30 minutes.  Check spicing and add salt and pepper if necessary.  Serve hot and makes great and easy leftovers!

  • 3-4 cups kale, chopped
  • 1 apple, cut into ¼” dice
  • ½-1 cup rhubarb, cut into ¼” dice
  • ½ cup pecans or walnuts, chopped
  • 6 slices bacon, crumbled, or ½ cup crumbled feta cheese, optional
  • 2 TBLS scallions, minced
  • ¼ cup cider vinegar 1-2
  • TBLS maple syrup
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • ¼ cup olive oil

Toss kale, apple, rhubarb, nuts, and optional bacon or cheese in a large bowl. Mix remaining ingredients together and pour over the salad. Toss and serve. 

  • 2 TBLS cooking oil
  • 4 cups kale leaves, large midribs removed, leaves chopped
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups tomatoes, chopped
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese, optional
  • Balsamic vinegar, to taste, optional

Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add kale and sauté for 4-6 minutes. Add garlic and stir for 1 minute. Add tomatoes and sauté for 5-7 minutes. Season to taste and serve hot topped with optional cheese and vinegar.

You can use this basic recipe with any kind of greens!  Like spinach, collard greens, Asian greens, etc.  It's just so fresh tasting!

  • 2-4 TBLS olive oil
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
  • ¼-1/2 cup scallions or onions, chopped
  • ½ pound kale, chopped
  • ¼-1/2 cup water or broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Red pepper flakes to taste
  • Vinegar to taste
  • Parmesan cheese to taste (optional)

Heat oil in large skillet. Add onions and garlic. Sauté 1 min. Do not brown. Add kale, water/broth, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Braise until desired tenderness is reached and most of the liquid is cooked off. Top each serving with a dash of vinegar and parmesan cheese, if desired. Serve hot.

  • 2 Tablespoons cooking oil
  • ½ cup onion, diced
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 inch ginger, peeled and minced
  • Jalapeño, minced, or chili flakes, to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder, or to taste
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 2 15 oz cans chickpeas, drained, rinsed
  • 2 cups tomatoes, diced
  • 1 cup water or broth
  • 1 bunch kale, stemmed and chopped
  • ¾ cup coconut milk
  • Cilantro, chopped for garnish

Heat oil in large skillet. Saute onion, garlic, ginger, hot pepper, salt and pepper for 4 min. Add curry powder, sauté 2 min. Add tomato paste, sauté 2 min. Add chickpeas, sauté 2 min. Add tomatoes, water, and kale. Simmer until kale is tender and liquid is reduced. Add coconut milk, cook 3-5 min. Garnish with cilantro.

Steamed Kale with Butter

1 bunch of kale
salt and pepper

We like kale best steamed as a side dish.  Cut out the tough midribs, then steam the leaves until tender.  Season to taste with butter, salt and pepper.  Makes 4 side dish servings. 

I didn't specify what kind of beans because you can use any kind of dried beans that you like.  I used Yellow Eye which I personally like and make a creamy stew when they start to fall apart, but you could use other kinds, too.  Also, this recipe is so totally flexible.  Feel free to substitute any of the veggies for ones you have on hand and it will still be good!  :)

  • 1 cup dried beans, soaked overnight and drained
  • cooking oil
  • 1-2 onions, chopped
  • garlic, to taste, chopped
  • chili pepper, optional (I used a smoked one or you could use cayenne powder or chili powder or whatever you want)
  • 4-6 cups of vegetable broth, water, or chicken broth (or a combo)
  • 1/2 cup carrots, peeled and diced
  • 1 bunch kale, tough midribs removed and sliced
  • mushrooms, chopped (optional)
  • salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil on medium and saute onions until translucent, stirring to prevent sticking.  Add garlic and chili pepper, stir quickly, and add beans and liquid. Bring to a boil, turn down to simmer, and cook until beans are tender but not falling apart, a couple of hours.  Add the carrots, kale, mushrooms and simmer adding more liquid if necessary.  Cook until vegetables are tender.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Serve over rice, pasta, with mashed potatoes, etc.  Enjoy!

This recipe is flexible in the amounts and this is roughly what I made the first time I made it.  Feel free to substitute with what you have available.  This recipe is for a crock pot.  You can also just simmer slowly on the stove.  

  • 2 pounds ground Italian sausage
  • cooking oil
  • 2 medium yellow onions, diced
  • 6-8 cups chicken broth
  • 8 large carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2-1 inch rounds
  • 2 cups dried white beans (like Great Northerns, Cannelini, or Navy Beans), sorted, rinsed, and soaked for 12 hours (or 3-4 cans of white beans, rinsed and drained)
  • 3-4 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 TBSP Italian seasoning or 1-2 TBSP pesto
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 (24 oz) can tomatoes, diced, chopped, or pureed
  • 4 large kale leaves, chopped (tough mid-ribs removed) OR 1 bag baby kale, chopped
  • Parmesan cheese and/or sour cream, for topping

In large pot or skillet, cook Italian sausage in oil. Add in the onion. Stir every minute or so until sausage is browned. Add to the slow cooker or large cooking pot.  Add the broth, carrots, soaked beans, garlic, Italian seasoning/pesto, and bay leaf.  Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours (for soaked beans) or 4 hours (for canned beans).  Remove the lid. Discard the bay leaf. Stir in the tomatoes and kale.  Ladle into bowls and top each bowl with a heaping tablespoon of parmesan cheese or sour cream.

This recipe is so flexible. You can use any kind of greens you have on hand and it was originally for cabbage. Soooo good! I like to shred the veggies ahead of time and keep in the fridge. Then right before eating, mix in the other stuff and fry. Definitely check out the sauce, too!

  • 8 cups shredded greens (beet greens, kale, pac choi)
  • ½-1 cup grated roots (salad turnips, carrots, etc.)
  • 3-4 scallions, thinly sliced at an angle
  • 6 eggs, beaten
  • ½ cup flour
  • cooking oil
  • Salt to taste

Toss veggies, salt, and flour. Stir in egg. Heat oil in skillet on medium-high. Dollop batter onto skillet and smooth out into large ½” pancakes. Fry on both sides until cooked through. Serve hot with this sauce: https://smittenkitchen.com/2013/05/japanese-cabbage-and-vegetable-pancakes/