
claytonia Recipes


Availability: Occasional in Winter and Spring.

Storage tips: Refrigerate in a plastic bag. It should last at up to a week.

How to eat: Claytonia is also known as miners lettuce or winter purslane.  The heart shaped leaves are known for their succulent fresh taste and high vitamin C content.  The entire plant is edible including the stems and leaves.  Use it in a salad or as a bed for fish or meat.

How to preserve: Because this is available in such a limited quantity it is best to just eat it up!  Or you could throw it into a mixed greens pesto as another option.

  • 1 cup claytonia leaves and stems, chopped
  • 1 cup arugula, chopped
  • 2 cups lettuce chopped
  • 1 cup green apple, thinly sliced and chopped into bite-size pieces
  • 1/2 cup toasted nuts of your choice, chopped
  • 6 TBLS Olive oil
  • 2 TBLS vinegar (red wine or apple cider are good choices)
  • Salt, and pepper to taste

Toss greens in a large bowl. Add apples and nuts on top of greens. Mix oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Drizzle over salad and serve.