This recipe makes approximately 6 patties using a wide mouth jar ring as a form. Double it to make a dozen. You can also substitute for the listed nuts with other coarsly ground nuts if they are hard to find. You can freeze these cooked and reheat for later meals.
1 cup each of grated beets and grated carrots
½ cup each of unsalted sunflower seeds and sesame seeds
¼ cup each of flour, grated cheese, and grated onion
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 egg, beaten
minced garlic to taste, optional
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Form into patties directly on oiled cookie sheet using a removable form or free form them with your hand. Using a canning jar lid to press them into patties worked well for me. Bake at 350* until done through, 30-45 minutes. Serve hot topped with butter, mayo, sour cream, or whatever you choose.