
Welcome to Mary Margaret's Blog

How to Start Your Own Seeds

Growing your own seedlings from seed is fun, rewarding and brings hope during the cold, early spring days while we wait for planting time!

Seeing green is food for your soul for sure!

It's true that growing your own seedlings can be tricky. It even happens that some of them die.

And that is sad, but don't let it get you down! It happens to the best of us!

5 Popular Cabbage Recipes That Make You Come Back For More

Cabbage was once referred to as a poor man's food. 

Often berated, underrated and never celebrated!

Unfortunately, cabbage is usually overlooked at best and often pushed aside by children and adults alike.

Why?  Likely because it was prepared in a "boring" way, boiled and rendered lifeless on the plate.


Luckily, the humble cabbage is making a comeback.

But not because people have suddenly started embracing the austere.

All About Winter Radishes and Why You Should Absolutely Try Them

Winter in Maine is arguably bleak.

White snow, bare trees, it is a stark reality. It can also be a stark reality in terms of local food. With most vegetable farm stands and farmers markets shutting down in the fall, many return grudgingly to the grocery store for their veggies.

Recently we were asked,

What time of year do you open up and start selling veggies again?

Wait, you have veggies in the winter?? Do you grow them all in greenhouses?

How To Plan Your Garden For Producing The Most

If you’re a gardener, you know how wonderful it is to harvest the fruits (or veggies!) of your hard work, right?!

Sure you can grab your seeds and throw them out there, walk away, and then come back hoping for food. And you won’t be wrong, I’m sure there will be some food there!

But, one of the key successes to growing a garden and making it produce maximally is careful planning using succession plantings.

What Your Farmers Do In The Winter + A Fun Recipe

It's December and us veggie farmers must be settling in for a long winter's nap, right?

Nope!  :)  After taking one week off to celebrate the end of the growing season and give Thanksgiving as a family, we are back at the controls of our thriving small farm business excited about the coming next season!

How To Make Your Own Green Smoothie

A smoothie that’s green? What?

I’m sure it sounds different, but hear me out!

These things are hugely popular right now.  Here's why:

  1. They're really easy to make!
  2. They taste amazing!
  3.  And they help you get more greens into your diet than you otherwise could with just eating salads.

Now, don’t think I’m the expert on these… haha, oh no!

How I Overcome My Biggest Challenge to Using Fresh Garlic

Garlic is so good for you, right?

We're all told about it's health promoting properties, helping your immune system be strong.

And it makes everything taste so much better, right?

Mmmm garlic + bread, garlic + stir-fry veggies, garlic + soup, etc.  The list is endless!

Yes, yes, we all know all these things. But the thing is that I have to admit about garlic is that using it is a pain.

Three Easy Recipes That Will Have You Loving Beets

Have you ever said,

I just can’t find a way to love beets”?

Over the past over a decade, I have heard so many people say this.

For some reason an innocent dark, staining root vegetable strikes fear in otherwise adventuresome veggie lovers. But, why?

Maybe because you haven’t found an easy go-to delicious way to prepare them...

Or all you've had before is canned beets...

How To Make Hummus Out Of Fresh Veggies

I recently made a roasted carrot hummus dip and shared it with friends. This was their reaction:

“Whoa, that is really good! I want to make that!” 

It was an unexpected hit!  

So I thought I’d share the technique with you here, too!

Because, you can make different kinds of hummus that are loaded with veggies themselves!

It's a game changer.  No more store bought hummus.

How To Make Your Own Sauerkraut or Kimchi

Something you may not know about me is that I teach classes.

(Nope, not school classes.  Don't worry, haha!)

I teach classes on food in the community. 

Eating more veggies.  Fermentation.  Kombucha and Kefir.  Things like that.  

I've been doing it for over 10 years.  And I love it.
