
Welcome to Mary Margaret's Blog

Want To Know What Our Veggies Look Like During The Winter?

It’s warm August and you’re spending time in the lake, in the kayak, and outside picking berries… Winter is the furthest thing from your mind.

Everywhere you go, people are talking about the humidity--and this year, the rain. You join in, but you have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind reminding you that soon things will change. Soon enough we’ll all be complaining about the cold and snow.

How To Keep Your Tomato Plants Healthy And Long Producing

Tomatoes are one of our favorite veggies to grow AND one of our most popular seedling and veggie order items.

There is nothing quite like harvesting a tomato fresh off the vine and taking a bite.

Warm, sweet, and savory, and nothing beats it. Mmmm...I just can't wait until the fruits are here again! I bet you can't either.



Did Your Cucumber Plants Die After the Rain? Here's What to Do

The fact about gardening and farming is that the weather is everything. Right?

The fact about the weather is that it is fickle. Always changing.

And the fact about this season is that we've had some not so favorable conditions for gardening the past couple of weeks.

Thursday we assessed the “damage” on our winter squash crop that we seeded right before the downturn in the warm weather.

Learn Why These Will Be Your Favorite New Vegetable

“Wow, what are these?!”

This is the single thing (well, actually next to “your carrots are the best carrots I've ever had”) that I've heard the most from customers over the past 14 years of farming.

You might not have ever heard of this kind of veggie, but yet...

People come from all over Central Maine to join our CSA farm share program and use our preorder buying club to learn new veggies with the goal of eating healthy.

Yep, people LIKE being pushed to try new things and broaden their taste horizons.

How To Grow A Great Organic Garden

Gardening is fun and relaxing… that’s why so many of us do it, right?!

It's the same reason we love farming!

But let’s face the facts, like most things, if a little thoughtful planning goes into it, it usually goes much better!

That’s certainly been true for us over the past 14 years of running our own farm.

Here are our top tips and tricks that we’ve learned along our way of organic gardening that can help you make the most out of yours!

This Easy Salad Dressing Will Make Your Hearty Early Spring Salads Pop

The end of winter is here, and, no beating around the bush, you're ready for it to be over!

And, of course, it's not quite time for lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers fresh from the garden... yet!

I bet that I love that kind of classic salad as much as you do, especially when it's all garden fresh.

But why grumble about what's not here yet, when you can celebrate the glory of the hearty early spring salad full of what IS in season from your root cellar and/or local farms??

And guess what?

Our Farm's Favorite Sources For Garden Seeds and More

It's finally winter and we can all take a sigh of relief after the hard work of the summer and fall growing veggies, right!?

With the solstice and other holiday festivities right around the corner I know for sure we are looking forward to days of rest, reflection, and renewal with family and friends.

We are also thinking ahead of next season, remembering what we want to improve upon or try new in the coming year.

Is it true for you, too, that as soon as you finish a season you start to get excited about another year coming?

Why Soups Are One Of The Best Things To Make With Veggies

It’s only November and doesn’t it feel like winter has finally come? Eeek!

What with temps down into the 20's this week, howling wind-chills that freeze-dried our poor White Russian Kale (RIP), and a snow/sleet/rain storm that impacted our CSA pickup to add insult to injury, I’m ready for some bonafide warming comfort food!  How about you?

And a bowl of hot soup hits the spot, right? Definitely for me!

How to Make Any Root Veggie into a Scrumptious Mash Everyone Will Love

Fall and holidays are classic times of year for serving mashed veggies.

Mashed potatoes and/or sweet potatoes anyone?

I know my family is always as eager to dig into those as they are the other fixings at holidays and family meals.

Because that's the point, right? Eat those veggies, too! (Not just the bread and/or meat.)

But, hang on, why stop at the well known mashes?

What To Do With All That Squash!

“What do I do with this big squash?”

A common question that we get from CSA members after a few weeks of fall squash distribution.

And I understand. Sometimes I can look at a pile of uncooked/unprocessed veggies… like squash… and feel at a loss, too.

Ugh! I only have so much time and creativity!

So one thing that helps me a ton is to just get the stuff cooked and into the fridge.

