
Lemon Dill Dressing

  • 2 cups olive or sunflower oil
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • ½ cup Dijon mustard
  • 1-2 TBLS honey
  • 2 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • ¼ cup scallions, minced
  • 1 bunch dill, finely chopped

Mix all ingredients in a quart jar and serve over salad, fish, chicken or cooked veggies. Store in fridge for 1-2 weeks.

Roasted CSA Veggies with Dill Sauce


You can use this sauce over just about any roasted veggies!  I just made a list that goes with August veggies, but feel free to compile your own with whatever you've got that's in season!

Mustard Dill Sauce



  • 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup plain whole milk yogurt
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Combine ingredients into a sauce.  Delicious on fish, or even as a dip for chips!  Enjoy!

Dill and Garlic Scape Dip


We made this and had it with cut up carrots, hakurei salad turnips, and bok choy stems for dipping!  Delicious and easy.  Try switching up the herb combo, too, by using cilantro or parsley or even basil!

1 8oz package of cream cheese
2 TBLS to 1/2 cup milk (possibly more)
1-2+ garlic scapes, minced
 ½ bunch dill, minced
salt and pepper to taste

Yogurt-Dill Dressing


This dressing is all purpose!  You can use it on salads, fish, with cold beets or potatoes. 

1 bunch dill, minced
1/2 cup yogurt
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt

Whisk together all above ingredients and pour over desired food. 

Dill-Garlic Vinaigrette


1/4 cup fresh dill, finely minced
2 cloves garlic, minced (or 1 garlic scape)
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar (or other vinegar)
1/3 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Wisk together all ingredients and serve over a lettuce salad, or cold beets, or cold green beans, or anything else!

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