Top Ten Best Native Perennial Plants For Shore Land Beautification
Do you own property at the edge of a body of water like a lake, pond, or even the ocean?
Do you also seek to make it a beautiful spot that also helps pollinators and prevent erosion at the same time?
If that sounds like you, please know it can be done!
Here are our farm's favorite plants for the important job!
Top ten best native perennial plants for shore land beautification
Here's our list, all native plants to the Northeast, all hardy plants to at least zone 4, and best of all, all plants with pretty flowers beloved by humans and pollinators alike!
- Asclepias incarnata, Rose Milkweed
- Cephalanthus occidentalis, Buttonbush
- Eupatorium perfoliatum, Boneset
- Eutrochium maculatum, Joe Pye Weed
- Iris versicolor, Blue Flag Iris
- Liatris spicata, Dense Blazing Star
- Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal Flower
- Lobelia siphilitica, Great Blue Lobelia
- Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, New England Aster
- Verbena hastata, Blue Vervain
And why do we love these particular plants so much, you ask?
These are all easy to grow and have robust root systems that make them survivors in tough environments including with pressure from other surrounding root systems.
We have each of these plants growing on our farm somewhere in a seldom to never tended situation. They're proven survivors!
Do you have shore land property? What are your favorite native perennial plants for that environment? Please reply and let us know!
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