Organic Native Medicinal and Edible Perennials
Create your own little patch of nature
Organic perennial plants that will help you create a safe haven for bees, butterflies, and birds right where you live.
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In a time when it feels like the world is out of control - bees are dying, our food is full of chemicals, our wildlife is going extinct - you might feel powerless...
But you CAN make a difference. You CAN change the world, and it starts in your backyard!
Fill your garden with our native perennial plants and watch as bees, butterflies and birds flock to your garden.
Ripley Farm's perennial plants are probably a good fit for you if…

You like gardening with new and interesting plants.

You want your plants to look good and serve a function.

You care about where your plants come from.

You care about the earth and all it's inhabitants.
You want to help the world and your family by growing a garden.
Imagine walking in your garden and seeing butterflies fluttering their wings and lightly landing on the flowers.
Hearing the buzz of bees as they hum from one blossom to the next.
A smile breaks out over your face as you watch your garden bursting with color and life.
It is deeply satisfying to know that the plants living in your special place are contributing to the health of the planet and to your health and your grandchildrens'.
Hi! We're Gene and Mary Margaret Ripley! We know what it's like to crave a safe habitat for the insects and wildlife that live in your special place.
That's why we got started growing our own native, medicinal, and edible perennial plants over a decade ago.
We're here to help you and your garden be part of the solution!
Introducing Ripley Farm's Perennial Plants...
Organically grown native, medicinal, and edible perennial plants for turning your garden into a haven for bees, butterflies, birds and YOU!

means no toxic pesticides are used on your plants, keeping the beneficial insects alive while they're growing on our farm.

mean adapted to the environment and resilient against climate extremes and with no requirements for fertilizers or pesticides.

mean co-evolved with native pollinators, supporting life on this planet.

mean grow your own organic medicine from plants.

mean you only plant once and you get a food souce that comes back every year.

means a plant-friendly growing process producing bigger, stronger plants.
Interested in getting perennial plants?
Every year we usually have a spring and fall sale on the farm and with shipping options. Sign up below to be notified of future sales.
"Loving it's new home..."
"I’m also proud to report that my rhubarb is loving its new home. I’ve tried planting it a couple times over the past years with no luck. It seems like the third times a charm and I’ve finally found a spot it likes. "
~Sarah M.
So, if you worry about the future of the world and want to cultivate the life-sustaining garden of abundance of your dreams, then start shopping for some plants today.
Instead of planting the sterile, boring plants from a far-away mega-nursery, you can make a difference in this world, your world, today!
Ripley Farm's perennial plants preordering system
How it works
Check out our perennial plant gallery and pick your plants.
Place your order using order form by the current spring or fall deadline.
Come pickup your plants on the spring or fall pickup date.
Frequently Asked Questions about preordering native perennial plants
- Do I have to sign up for the perennial plant list if I'm already on your email list? Answer: NO!
If you are already on our email list as a CSA customer or vegetable customer or simply as a community member, you do NOT need to sign up again for the email list. If you are new to our farm, please sign up to receive info about our plants.
- How do I place an order for perennial plants?
Sign up for our email list and we will let you know when the ordering period is open. We typically have sales spring and fall. Sign up for the email list to get the order form sent to you when it is available.
- What will picking up my perennial plants look like?
You will come to the farm to get your plants on the scheduled pickup date between the scheduled times. We will have your plants picked out for you, packaged in small plastic bags, and ready to go. You will need to bring a container (cardboard box, cooler, etc.) to put your bare root plants into inside your car. We will not have crates or flats to take the plants home in.
- Do you offer order volume discounts? Answer: YES!
Pricing and volume discounts for 2025 are: $2.00 off per plant when you buy 10 plants. $3.00 off per plant when you buy 50 plants. All plants are regularly priced at $8.00 per plant. The discounts apply to the total number of plants in your order, not to a certain number of each species. The order form will automatically tabulate a discount once you reach the threshold. Prices will be subject to change at any time.
- Do I have to plant my bare root perennial plants the day I pick them up? Answer: NO!
Though you don't have to plant your bare root perennial plants right away, it is ideal that you get them in the ground as soon as possible. Bare root plants are happiest in the ground. If immediate planting is not possible, see the storage tips below.Unlike greenhouse-grown plants, bare-root plants can be planted during cold weather or anytime the soil is not frozen. These are hardy perennials. Cool and damp spring conditions are just what they need to make a smooth transition to a new home.
Read more about bare root plants at this blog post. -
If I can't plant them right away, how do I store the bare root plants to keep them in the best condition?
If you are unable to plant right away, it is important to keep your plants happy by meeting their basic needs.# 1 Moisture:
Happy bare root perennials are stored to keep the roots:
Not too dry and desiccating;
Not too wet and saturated;
Just right (think Goldilocks here), all nice and gently moist.#2 Temperature and Light:
Happy bare root perennials like the cool and dark. Ideally, plants should be stored in a refrigerator (34-38° F) before planting. Next best is a cool, shady spot. Warmer temperatures or direct sunlight can cause excessive premature growth or mold in the bag or cause the roots to dry out. Freezing can damage or kill the roots, especially when they’ve already begun to grow.
#3 Air:
A happy bare root perennial can breathe, but doesn’t like drafts. Don’t seal shut the plastic bag. Just leave it loosely shut.
Can I just stop by the farm and pickup some plants without preordering them? Answer: No!
Our perennial plants are available for sale twice a year, spring and fall, by preorder or at on our sale dates. Please subscribe to our email list to be notified of future sale information.
What if I have questions about how and when to plant a garden?
Check out our blog post: How to make a garden with bare root perennials. Also please refer to our plant list with pictures and descriptions to help you decide what to plant in what conditions.
We are also available to answer any questions you have via email. Email us at Other great resources for planning and planting a perennial garden with a focus on native plants are found at the websites of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Native Plant Trust, Wild Seed Project, and Prairie Moon Nursery. -
Are your perennial plants organic?
Yes, all of our perennial plants are MOFGA/USDA Certified Organic and grown without the use of neonicotinoids or other harmful pesticides or fungicides.
Are they grown from seed? If so, where do you get your seeds?
Almost all of our perennial plants are seed grown. The few that aren't are propagated from our existing stock by division. We do not wild harvest plants for sale. We source our seeds from a variety of seed companies, including Prairie Moon Nursery, Wild Seed Project, Native Haunts, and several others. Many of our native perennials are grown from seeds of local provenance responsibly collected from wild populations.
Do you ship perennial plants?
Yes! We ship plants to addresses in New England and New York. Please sign up for our email list to be notified of more information regarding shipping.
How will my bare root perennial plants be packaged when I receive them?
Our bare root perennial plants will be packaged with a little damp peat moss around the roots and placed into small plastic bags to keep the moisture on the roots. They will not be in pots. When you come to the farm to get your order, your plants will be held aside for you in one of our plastic crates. You will need to bring your own container to transfer your plants into for transportation to your home in your vehicle.
If you have questions that are not answered here, please feel free to get in touch with Gene and Mary Margaret by emailing or calling 207-564-0563.
For new wholesale inquiries please contact Gene at or 207-564-0563.