
Red Russian Kale bunched by Ripley Farm, Maine


Availability: July-December

Storage tips: Refrigerate in a plastic bag. Make sure to keep the leaves covered to prevent wilting.  Kale will last at least a week stored this way.

How to eat: BUNCHED KALE = Kale is best used as a cooking green. Remove the midribs and steam in one inch of water until tender (about 10 minutes) and topped with butter is the most basic preparation. Kale is also excellent in stir-fries, soups, frittata or other egg dishes, and stews.  Or roast it to make kale chips!  Or use it raw in "masaged kale salad."  BABY KALE = Baby Kale is super tender and doesn't need to have the midribs removed.  Can be chopped raw into salads or steamed as is.  Delish!

How to preserve:  Best way to preserve kale is to blanch and freeze it.  Wash, strip kale from tough stems, and tear leaves up into smaller sizes.  Submerge in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, remove, cool in ice cold water.  Squeeze water out of kale and pack into ziplock bags.  Freeze for 3-6 months.